storage word

英 [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ wɜːd] 美 [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ wɜːrd]

网络  存储字



  1. In addition to using some efficient data representation and storage strategies, bogofilter tries to be smart about identifying what makes a meaningful word.
  2. Each column must have enough assigned storage to hold the largest synonym for each word.
  3. Magnetic card: A plastic card with a magnetic recording surface that was used for data storage in early computer and word processing systems.
  4. Storage Conversion Between Unstructured Word Data Table and RDB
  5. An assembler directive that specifies that what follows should be allotted storage space for one computer word, in some assemblers.
  6. A storage device into which or from which data can is entered or retrieved only in units of a computer word.
  7. The absolute storage location into which a word or the first of a series of contiguous words is loaded.
  8. By analyzing the classification and the storage site of Word template, the paper skillfully develops and improves templates from installing outside templates, deleting unnecessary template, using other's documents as templates, converting templates quickly and modifying existing templates.
  9. Based on the interrelations between the cognitive process of vocabulary acquisition, word storage in human brain and word use, this paper analyzes the role of cognitive factors in the representation of L2 mental lexicon from the perspective of vocabulary errors of college English learners.
  10. The storage structure of word operation is given;
  11. According to the structure and storage of the directory, we design and apply a word segmentation algorithm on the text to segment the words and label the features.
  12. The storage amount per capita of oil and natural gas in our country is only 7.7% and 7.1% of word average level.
  13. The lexemes in dictionaries can be called "storage meanings"; on the other hand, the word meanings entered into the phrases and sentences of language called" using meanings ".
  14. The main research work is as follows: Firstly, a large-scale cloud-based offline image retrieval processing system is implemented. The system consists of image data storage, image feature extraction, image feature clustering and image visual word quantization processing modules.
  15. The thesis solves three issues in content index: storage for length-varing record, the Chinses word index& phrase index, enhancing the speed of index construction.
  16. The causes of mix-up of parts of speech are negative transfer from Chinese, separate storage of lexical information in the mental lexicon and inappropriate ways of word memorization.
  17. According to the mobile terminal operation ability and storage capacity, this paper does not use large participle word library, but the simple Bigram word segmentation method, we make pretreatment by means of removing stop words segmentation, get the message content feature vector.
  18. In this design pattern, the language conversion without compromising the accuracy of the implementation of the premise of the roughness of the voice recording, storage capacity, while reducing sound and detailed structure of word library.
  19. The soil that does not recover to the initial temperature can be regarded as the energy storage to increase the heat release to the soil for the refrigerating word conditions.